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What question types are available in Wizu?
What question types are available in Wizu?

At a glance view of the question types available in Wizu

Updated over 2 years ago

Wizu has many different question types and styles of each. This guide will provide an at-a-glance guide to each one to help you choose which is best for your scenario.

Remember, for NPS, CES, CSAT questions, it's better to choose a new survey and select the Primary Metric type.

Alternatively you can a new section that contains pre-built groups of questions for the Primary Metric types as well as groups of questions for specific use cases such as:

  • Lead form

  • Demographics

  • On-boarding

  • Health scores

  • Employee pulse

see below

Questions are available in the survey designer on the right hand side. We'll go through each question type...


Statements are text that don't require a response from the respondent

OK Statement

Break long text up with an agreement statement. Great for privacy policies or legal text at the start of the survey and can have 'Display Logic' to only show on Mobile devices.

Emotion Question


Text questions require the respondent to type a response.

Note: They can also be numbers (we don't have a specific number/numeric question type)

Single line of text

Text control type restricts the input as described below

Auto-complete hint is useful to pre-populate the input based on the respondent browser auto-fill settings - useful for collecting common information such as first and last name

Looks like...

Some pre-configured Text Templates are available:


Comment questions are simply multi-line text boxes.

There are several points to look out for here:

Text Analytics

To turn on Text Analytics choose 'Comment with Text Analytics' which processes the response after a response is received - there is no real-time prompting. To enable real-time prompting see article

Button shortcuts

Create pre-populated responses if appropriate. Examples might be 'no comments', not applicable. Use '|' character to give a label name and separate comment answer. For example: 'NA|Not applicable'

will look like this in the chat window (see how 'NA' is chosen but 'Not Applicable' is inserted into the comment)


SmartComments are a unique type of question to Wizu that provide real-time prompting as the respondent types their comment

The level of text required before progressing can be set as either

  • Low effort - simple validation only

  • Medium effort - used for simple follow up questions

  • High effort - used in Market Research where the respondent is paid to participate.

SmartComments can also be easily integrated with other legacy products but simply inserting a script tag on a page.


To group text questions together in a single form for the respondent to complete,

Simply choose the same form type for all neighbouring text questions.

The respondent will be presented with a group of questions on the same page as below

Scale Questions

Default buttons

Scale - sliders




Yes / No

Single Select


with images

Tip: choose smaller images in the same aspect ratio for best results

Multiple Select



File Upload

Termination Statement

Termination statements end the survey. It's normally better to end the survey by routing the 'End survey' action as this allows users to view other links. The termination statement allow you close the survey with a particular status

Video Question

Collect video responses to gather qualitative feedback from your respondents.

For more information, the related help article

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