How to map responses to Salesforce Custom Objects

Use custom objects to store Wizu Feedback

Updated over a week ago

Not every response you want to collect in your survey will have an existing field in Salesforce so that is where ‘Custom Objects’ come in extremely useful. For example you could create a new custom object called ‘Wizu Survey Response’ and then create a new custom field for each survey question/answer that you want to save in Salesforce.

Once you have created these ‘Custom Objects’ and ‘Custom Fields’ within Salesforce, you can then map to them in the same way you would map to default fields.

To create your custom object, complete the following steps:

1. From the gear icon in the top right of your Salesforce screen, select Setup

2. From the Object Manager drop down, simply select + New Object.

3. Enter a label and plural label and then click Save. (There are some additional fields on this page but in most cases, we would recommend you just ignore everything else).

4. Now that you have created your custom object, you can add some custom fields to track all the information you want to collect. Click on the ‘Fields & Relationships’ option in the left side menu and then select ‘New’.

5. Here you can set the data type and click next. Refer to the supported survey response mappings to ensure you are selecting the relevant type for the response you are mapping from.

6. Give your field a label and populate any other required fields depending on which data type you selected. The label will most likely be the question name from your conversation. Once done click next click next again on Step 3 unless you particularly need to change your security options.

7. Finally, you will be given the option to add your new custom field to a page layout and can either save or click save & new to create more custom fields.

As soon as your custom objects and fields are created you will be able to see them in your Wizu account. In the example below the NPS question has been mapped to the ‘NPS Score’ field within the ‘Wizu Survey Response’ custom object. This has been set as a number data type in Salesforce. Then the multiple choice question ‘Which of the following are important to you?’ has been mapped to a custom field named ‘Important Aspects’ within the same custom object. This has been set to the ‘Picklist (Multi-Select)’ data type and the value options were entered within the set up. These fields have been automatically mapped but you can update these manually if required.

How To Add Lookup Fields To Associate Custom Objects

In a lot of scenarios, you might want your custom object to be related to another Salesforce object, such as Contacts, Accounts or Cases. To do this you need to add lookup fields to these other objects. If you include the Salesforce ID of an object in your survey URL then you will need to create a lookup field to that object. So for example, to place your survey responses into a custom object that is associated with Contacts, you would need to create a Lookup field to contact in your new custom object by creating a new custom field within your custom object, selecting Lookup Relationship, then select Contact in the ‘Related To’ section. You can then proceed with the rest of the setup of the object.

How To Get Custom Objects To Appear In Your Menu

After creating a custom object, you will then need to expose it as a tab. The best way to do this is to create a custom tab. Go to Set Up and then Create > Custom Tab. You will then have the option to choose from a drop down of custom objects or create a new one if required. Assign a Tab Style and enter a description if required.
After clicking ‘Next’ you are then given the option to add the custom tab to specific user profiles. Change settings as required and then click ‘Next’. You can then choose the custom apps for which the new custom tab will be available. Click ‘Save’ and now when your App Launcher main menu your new custom object should appear under the All Items section.

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