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Introduction to survey routing and Question Logic in Wizu
Introduction to survey routing and Question Logic in Wizu

High level introduction to 'Display' and 'Skip' logic in Wizu

Updated over a week ago

Wizu has powerful routing to make surveys more intelligent, engaging and simpler for the customer.

Note: we used to refer to 'Skip Logic' as 'Routing' so if you see mentions of Routing anywhere it simply means 'Skip Logic' logic πŸ˜€

Wizu has two types of question logic:

1) Display Logic

2) Skip Logic

They are both configured on a question or statement block in the survey designer - see below:

Display Logic

Display logic is tested before showing the question. The chat bot will run through the survey and when it gets to a question with some Display Logic, it will test if see if Display logic conditions are met and only show the question if they are.

So in this example we have a message that is only displayed if the survey is running on a mobile device:

Here the condition is 'When Survey running on mobile device' so if this is true it will show the block.

Display Logic is useful if you want to show or hide a block based on previous responses. So you might have a single select question: 'What is your favourite pet?'

with three answers: Cat, Dog, Fish.

You might then want to only show a statement based on what they selected at the pet question. Here is the statement shown if they (correctly!) select dog:

This is what is displayed in the survey (and an excuse to see a picture of a funny dog)

It's worth noting here that you can use Reactions to add simple statements when an answer is selected.

Reactions are set on the answer - see below.

Common use-cases for Display Logic:

  • Show / hide a question based on one or more previous answers

  • Show / hide a question based on whether the survey is running on a mobile phone. You might have two questions, one optimised for desktop and one optimised for mobile

Skip Logic

Skip logic occurs after a question is answered. The chat bot will run through the survey and after a question is answered, it will test if see if Skip logic conditions are met and then show the question, statement or section.

Skip logic has an additional 'Then' section where you set what should happen if the condition is met. The options are:

  • 'Continue to the next question' (or statement) - this is the default

  • 'Skip to this question' - with this option you can skip forward to the next question or statement, ignoring any questions in between.

  • 'Skip to this section' - here you can choose a section to skip forward to.

  • 'End the survey' - exit the survey now and skip to the Common Exit section

  • 'Back to the previous question' - Skip back to the previous question - be careful to avoid loops in the conversation where the same questions are asked over and over!

  • 'Back to the previous section' - Skip back to whole section.

An example of Skip Logic is displayed below:

Common use-cases for Skip Logic:

  • Exit the survey if the respondent doesn't qualify

  • Jump to a section based on whether the respondent answered a question. For example you may have a whole section of questions related to 'Fish' that would not be appropriate to ask somebody who said their favourite pet was a dog

Multiple conditions

Sometimes you may want to combine conditions together. For example if the respondent answered 'Cats' to favourite pet and answered 'Yes' to having Pet Insurance. In this case you add a Skip logic condition for the respondent answering 'Yes' to the insurance question and then choose 'Add condition'

Then add in a condition for the previous question

You see there is a Grouping option above the two conditions. If you want either option you should 'Or', but in this case we should choose 'And' as we want people that prefer Cats AND have said Yes to Do you have Pet Insurance.

Else actions

Sometimes you may want multiple Skip logic's. You might want to skip to Cat questions if they answer 'Cats' as their favourite pets and have Pet Insurance, otherwise end the survey if they answer anything else. To do this, simply set up your first condition and then choose '+ ELSE' ...

... and set your 'Otherwise' condition.

If there are more than one condition, you now have the option to expand, move and add conditions in order to change the logic order. Multiple 'Else' conditions can be added to create highly functional decision trees if required.


  • 'Display Logic' controls whether a question is displayed or not based on previous responses

  • Reactions can be used to provide simple responses to answers

  • Skip Logic controls what happens after a question is answered.

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